

Travelling to various places, near and far, seeing new lanscapes and observing people is a constant source of visual stimulus and inspiration. Even (or especially) when they become memories.

V&A Museum

Travelling to various places, near and far, seeing new lanscapes and observing people is a constant source of visual stimulus and inspiration. Even (or especially) when they become memories.

London International Mime Festival

This year, “What’s Become of You? (questcequetudeviens?)” was the biggest highlight for me.

Tate Modern. Paul Klee – Making Visible

Paul Klee said: “Art does not reproduce the visible, rather, it makes visible”. This might be the ultimate test for any artist, in any discipline. Paul Klee was a master of making visible, as he himself could “paint almost anything, not only facts, but also processes, inner complexes, any number of modes of consciousness”(Will Grohman, «Klee at Berne», 1935).